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22 years married, 7 months divorced...finally healing.

Updated: Jun 14, 2022

Most times I'm confused at why people post their life's stories on social media and then I realized it could be either to brag or to encourage...I'd hope it's the latter.

This is a loooong post

Here's page 40 out of my diary (abridged version):

August 1999 I said "I do" 2 months into adulthood February 2020 I separated from my husband and stayed with family. September 2021 the divorce was finalized October 2021 I packed my van and moved on faith to Arizona. No apartment, no furniture, no savings in the bank. (Stopped in several states visiting family and friends along the way) December 2021 I moved into my very first apartment and paid bills for the very first time. June 2022 Up until June 6 I struggled with healing from divorce. I was angry, bitter, depressed...not because I wanted to be married to my ex again (because I don't) but because his lifestyle seemed to stay the same: career, house, cars, savings in the bank, luxuries of eating out, taking kids on vacation when they visit, and the single life because the kids are with me the majority of the time. June 6, 2022 God showed me the things I do have which is a furnished apartment that my kids and I get to laugh, sing, dance, play games, watch movies, eat meals, homeschool, relax, read, do hair, cultivate business, create memories, pray... I also have love, peace, health, joy, a working vehicle, a wonderful church, a business that's in the infancy stage, a published book, supportive family and friends (both old and new) in my life. It feels so great to say after 19 months of separation and 9 months post divorce I feel the best I've felt in a long time. Healing is a wonderful feeling.

Not sure what God has in store for me...more published books, sign language interpreter for church, start a blog or vlog, relocate to Alaska, love & marriage (sorry, but this single life is not for me lol...killing bugs, car maintenance, carrying heavy things are just a few things I don't want to deal with ).

Patiently waiting for what God has for me.

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