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The only reason I'll look back is to catch a glimpse of my undercut! #nolookingback #movingforward

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

Ever look at someone and think "Wow, she's amazing. She's so accomplished. Man, she's got it all together." Although I am guilty of doing this, my first thought was "What if people look at me and think similar things as I continue to gain more exposure." The problem with this train of thought is it can discourage you from pursing your goals because you don't see what it took a person to reach their goal.

As much as i would like to say getting to this point was easy as 1-2-3, it wasn't. Fear set in when my 20+ year marriage was about to end in divorce. All I've ever done consistently was raise and homeschool my 3 children. Outside of this, I had done home child care for 13 years, but that interfered with homeschool as my children got older; I took many courses in American Sign Language, but not enough to do anything professionally; I also went to trade school to learn more about natural hair, but had no thoughts of making it a career. What was I to do? I was livng in Italy and knew that upon divorce I'd be on my own which I have never been before. In the midst of my panic, God spoke to me and said "Do what I have already given you to do." What did that mean? I felt like I was given tons to do and I was doing them.

Over the next couple of months, I would playback in my head "Do what I have already given you to do." hoping God would reveal more. I thought about all the things that were on my plate and if I put them there then I know that wasn't from God. After much process and elimanation, 2 things were left on my plate that were put there by God: homeschool and breathe. Journal to Success.

Although homeschooling was not in the plans, day 1 of homeschool began in 2005. I wholeheartedly believe that when God wants it to be He can and will cause schools of our choice to shut down and remove all backup plans. True Story.

breathe. was a mere thought after the journal I picked up from Barnes & Noble was almost stolen by my little sister Kim. Well, in her defense, I did use the journal as a prop at her baby shower and it got packed up with her gifts. Because there was a sense of urgency in my voice, she knew that this was no ordinary journal. She only gave it back because I had her $100, but she asked me to buy her one. This was in June of 2017 and by September 2017 I had created a course that would be called breathe. Journal to Success.

I did not think this would become a business. It was a hobby, one that I spent with other ladies journaling and having fun. It wasn't until June of 2019, after I facilitated my second course, did I see breathe. as a business. September 2019, I decided that I would not facilitate another course until I created a journal that was specifically for the course. Three years later, the breathe. journal, Rewriting My Story!, was published. I am in awe at how things are unraveling and I know that this is only the beginning. The first journal course with the breathe. journal will take place virtually in May 2022. I am excited and will keep you updated.

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